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Jones, C. (2023). Heuristic Questions for Instagram Live. Comunicazioni Sociali, 2, 167–179. https://doi.org/10.26350/001200_000183


As internet research has proliferated, so too have ethical concerns about Internet research. Emerging ethical guidelines about Internet research have highlighted the importance of critically adapting research practices to respect privacy norms in different contexts, often through heuristic questions. Picking up this scholarship, this article develops heuristic questions for researching Instagram Live. First, I consider the challenges posed by Instagram Live in the access and collection stage of research by arguing that time adds a second axis of privacy. Next, I examine how storage can take Instagram Livestreams out of context and compromise its contextual integrity by stripping it of its relational and affective components. Finally, I interrogate how Instagram Livestreams complicate power dynamics implicit in memory. Specifically, it may impose a “burden of liveness” on creators as livestreams are incorporated into disciplinary standards of publication.
