Staksrud, E., Bang, K. J., Bomann-Larsen, L., Fretheim, K., Granaas, R. C., Berg Harpviken, K., Østbø Haugen, H., Jakobsen, K. A., Johnsen, R., Kolstad, I., Hoel Lie, M., Strømmen Lile, H., Nevøy, A., Klæboe Nilsen, T., Skilbrei, M.-L., & Enebakk, V. (2019). A Guide to Internet Research Ethics. The National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH).
The guide supplements and refers to the Ethical guidelines for research in the social sciences, humanities, law and theology (2016) published by NESH, and is based on NESH’s Guidelines for Internet research ethics (2003)2. The objective of this guide is to assist with ethical reflection on real dilemmas, and to promote responsible and ethically justifiable practices among researchers and research institutions.
Rapid technological advances produce new challenges for research ethics. This guide is therefore a ‘living document’ and will be updated as an online resource. NESH welcomes suggestions for revisions and updates. NESH can also provide advice and guidance regarding specific projects and may, on request, address individual cases that involve matters of principle.
In dem vom BMBF geförderten Projekt FeKoM wurden Empfehlungen für forschungsethisches Handeln in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft systematisch erarbeitet, empirisch fundiert und der Scientific Community zur Verfügung gestellt.