Rau, J., Münch, F., & Asli, M. (2021). SOCRATES: Social Media Research Assessment
Template for Ethical Scholarship. 24.
The aim of this document is to provide practice-oriented, concise, and
helpful guidance to pursue legal and ethical research with digital trace data,
particularly online communication and online media data. The guide asks
researchers questions which they should answer before, during and after the
research process and combines these questions with information that helps
to address them. The guide covers ethical and legal challenges including
harm avoidance towards and informed consent by research participants,
amplification of harmful content, and researchers’ safety on the one hand
and legal challenges including data protection, terms of services of social
media platforms, as well as copyright on the other hand. While the
ethics section of the guide addresses questions that are relevant for an
international research community, the legal section will be most helpful
for researchers based in Germany due to national legislation boundaries.
In dem vom BMBF geförderten Projekt FeKoM wurden Empfehlungen für forschungsethisches Handeln in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft systematisch erarbeitet, empirisch fundiert und der Scientific Community zur Verfügung gestellt.